Thin layer polystyrene mortar ESTonetex-ForteMix
ESTone.tex-ForteMix thin-layer mortar for expanded polystyrene (EPS), polystyrene (XPS), polystyrene and foam of any density. For thematization of statues, scenery, cladding, rocks, waterfalls, etc.
Thin-bed mortar to apply on porexpan, polystyrene, EPS (of any density, both expanded and extruded), made up of the ESTonetex Restaura thematic mortar and the pure acrylate resin and EST-19 EPS polyurethane. Mixtures of 1 to 1 can be made, up to 1 part of product for 3 parts of water, depending on the desired hardness.
Mortar + resin container:
-Each sandstone-colored sack weighs 25 kg, each pallet contains 48 sacks (1200 kg) and the EST-19 EPS drums are available in 5 and 10 L.
Strength and manageability:
-High resistance to friction and environmental wear factors.
-Very manageable and high plasticity.
-Mineral textures finish.
-Thin-layer theming on polystyrene.
-Making sculptures, statues, planters or other decorative elements such as eaves or lightened polystyrene plates.
-Porexpan, polystyrene, EPS of any density, both expanded and extruded polystyrene.
-The polystyrene must be clean and free of dust.
-It is advisable to make small holes in the polystyrene to provide a better anchoring of the mortar.
-Aerial lime, white cement, limestone sands with granulometries 0.2 and 0.1, inorganic additions.
-Recommended application from 2 to 15 mm.
–In 10 and 20 density polystyrene, it is highly recommended to apply a first coat with the addition of fiberglass mesh, and then apply a second coat. If the first coat dries, spray with the mixing water (water mixture plus EST-19).
Recommendations for use:
- Make sure the base is clean and dry.
- Application temperature between 5 and 35 ºC.
How to use the mortar:
-Spread the mortar by hand, or with a gun with a gotelé hopper, a spraying machine, putties, micro-cements, etc. and give the necessary material to the surface to be worked.
-Mold the mortar, with molds or with Japanese trowels, steel spatulas, etc ...
-Scratch the mortar before it dries.
Mortar use characteristics:
- It is recommended that the surface where it is to be applied has most of the shapes already made.
- 13.5 kg / m2 in 1 cm thickness.
Product preservation:
- 12 months from the date of manufacture, in the original closed container and sheltered from moisture.
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